
인터넷 중독자, WiFi 실패할 때 최악의 반응

WiFi 연결이 끊기면 좌절하고 화가 나는가? 개인적 특성 때문일 수도 있다. 디지털 기술이 작동을 멈추면 사람들은 FOMO라는 상실감을 느낀다고 한다. FOMO는 'Fear Of Missing Out'란 의미의 신조어로 좋은 자리를 놓치고 싶지 않은 마음이라고 한다. 즉 여기선 온라인에 있지 않을 동안 다른 사람들이 겪는 사회적 경험을 나는 놓치고 있다는 불안감을 의미한다.

인터넷 중독자, WiFi 실패할 때 최악의 반응

인터넷 중독자는 WiFi 실패할 때 최악의 반응 보인다

이번 연구에서는 인터넷 중독에 의한 매우 극단적인 반응에 대한 내용이다. 디지털 기술의 실패가 생길 때 개인의 개별적 반응의 차이의 잠재적 관계를 연구하는 것을 목표로 했다. 18~68세의 총 630명의 참가자가 온라인 설문지를 작성했다.

출처 : ScienceDaily, "People with Internet addiction react the worst when WiFi fails: Do you get frustrated and angry when your WiFi connection stops working? It could be because of your personality."

Summary : Do you get frustrated and angry when your WiFi connection stops working? It could be because of your personality. When digital technology stops working, people with a fear of missing out (FOMO) -- the anxiety that you're missing a social experience others might be having while you're not online -- or an internet addiction have more extreme reactions, according to a new study in 'Heliyon'.

논문 : Psychology, Lee Hadlington and Mark Scase. "End-User Frustrations and failures in digital technology: Exploring the role of Fear of Missing out, Internet addiction and Personality."
과학사이트 사이언스 데일리에서는 Heliyon 저널이라고 하는데, 링크는 Psychology로 redirect시켜주네요. heliyon 사이트에선 저널 Psychology라고 나오고, sciencedirect에선 저널 Heliyon이라고 나오네요. 무슨 관계가 있나 보네요. 중요한건 아니고...

Abstract : The present study aimed to explore the potential relationship between individual differences in responses to failures with digital technology. In total, 630 participants (50% male) aged between 18–68 years (M = 41.41, SD = 14.18) completed an online questionnaire. This included a self-report, response to failures in digital technology scale, a measure of Fear of Missing Out, Internet addiction, and the BIG-5 personality traits. Fear of Missing Out, Internet addiction, extraversion, and neuroticism all served as significant positive predictors for maladaptive responses to failures in digital technology. Agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness acted as significant negative predictors for maladaptive responses to failures in digital technology. The responses to failures in digital technology scale presented good internal reliability, with items loading onto four key factors, these being; ‘maladaptive responses’, ‘adaptive responses’, ‘external support and venting frustrations’, and ‘anger and resignation’. The findings are discussed in the context of the end user experience, particularly where individual differences are seen to influence the level of frustration arising from a failure. The findings are also seen as a potential route for reducing the negative impact of failures in digital technology, particularly in the context of organisational productivity and responses to malicious cyberattacks.

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